Thursday, September 29, 2005

Well, time for another update, I'm not updating daily because we have classes and assignments every other week. Next week will be focused solely on the project. I have been messing around with some displacement mapping for ground modeling, converting to polys however is a big bottleneck, having ~2mil polys as a single mesh to work with is quite challenging, so I've dropped that idéa. Still pondering on wether to use displacement mapping at all, it probably slows down rendertime significantly. I think a sculpted nurbs surface with some bumping and layered textures will work fine for some extra detail.

I've also begun modeling some various backdrop/fill structures. As a little warmup for future highpoly work. I've given myself the freedom to mix in some nurbs, especially for pipe/wire work, since this is cinematic-oriented work anyway and not realtime.

Very nice script:
Local Tools

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